Ladki Ko Bhulane K Liye Kya Karen | How To Easily Forget A Girl

<h1 style="text-align: left;"><b>Ladki Ko Bhulane K Liye Kya Karen | How To Easily Forget A Girl</b></h1>

A Breakup is the termination of a relationship. The act is commonly termed "dumping someone in slang when it is initiated by one partner. The term is less likely to be applied to a married couple, where a breakup is typically called a separation or divorce. When a couple engaged to be married breaks up, it is typically called a "broken engagement". People commonly think of breakups in a romantic aspect, however, there are also non-romantic and platonic breakups, and this type of relationship dissolution is usually caused by failure to maintain a friendship.

5 Effective Ways To Forget Your Girlfriend

As painful as breaking up can be, it's the emotional fallout after the fact that can really ruin a person's year. Read these steps to learn how to forget your ex-girlfriend and put your life back together.

#1. Take a break in life and focus on yourself. 

When something breaks in our life it is not a big deal, take it as normal. After a breakup, we feel thorns around us. Breakup is difficult to handle but we have to handle it with care. Take a break from your life and breathe fresh air.I know, it is not very easy but we have to give a chance to our life.

The moment you take a step back, you will be able to realize what you did in the past when you were in a relationship. You will realize how blind you are in that relationship. This time will be painful for you but, it will be the right time when you can move forward happily. We all need a break and this is the right time for it. 

#2 Embrace your hobbies and interests. 

Fill your free time with steady progress and small victories instead of stewing in your sadness and anger. Use the lists you made of your dreams, interests, and talents as a guide. If you ever used to daydream about fixing up a car, writing a book, or making your own wine from scratch, now is the best time to try those longer-term projects.

If you don't have any short-term hobbies to fill in the space between projects, why not pick up some from your childhood? Nobody's around to think less of you for working on a model kit, filling in a coin collection, or trying to beat a difficult video game.

#3 Have a Good Schedule. 

If you possibly can, try to make adjustments to your schedule so that you avoid having to see each other any more than necessary.

If you work together, ask your scheduling manager if you can change your weekly schedule. You don't need to tell him or her about the breakup; just ask for different shifts.

If you have classes together, be civil in class, but ask the teacher if there's any way you can move your seat to be farther from where she sits. 

#4 Avoid places that remind you of her even when you still love her

After breakups, you tend to revisit past memories and think about your relationship. You even tend to go to significant places and relive the moments that you and your ex-girlfriend shared. Alleys where you two shared endless laughs, coffee shops where she used to get her favorite white chocolate mochas or stores where she used to act goofy while shopping – memories are all you have left of her now.

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And visiting those same old places only makes you think of her and those memories even more. It is important to avoid going to such places as they will just remind you of her and the time you spent there and make you spiral into thoughts you really do not need. If you want to forget your ex-girlfriend, you need to stop going down that memory lane. Especially when you still love her, you must try to avoid thinking about her as much as you can.

#5 Date Another Girl To Forget Her

Find another girl to get over your ex-girlfriend and refrain from thinking about her, you need to occupy your mind with something else, or in this case, ‘someone else’. But pay close attention because we aren’t suggesting that you go out there and become some kind of romance scammer to play around with other people’s feelings.

Instead, this is about distracting your mind from wandering towards your ex. Follow some new celebrity or influencer on social media and develop a new crush. Or even chat up the woman at your rock-climbing class or the girl you often see reading a book at your regular coffee shop.

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Crushing on celebrities is harmless and at the same time helps you take your mind off your ex. And a little healthy flirting with those around you will only be good for your self-esteem. So give it a go but know where to draw the line. You don’t want things to become messy and confusing and walk right into another heartbreak.

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